Tips to Create a Calm Room
And maximise serenity.
We begin our day in our bedroom and we end it in our bedroom—so it makes sense for this space that is so personal to be curated to center ourselves. Our surroundings play a bigger role in our mental well-being than we think.
Though it might be different from one person to the next, here are some ideas for you to ponder on when it comes to creating a more serene room.
1) Keep it Clean
You say ‘organised chaos’, but we say it’s a mess that is waiting to stir up some anxiety. When our senses are inundated with too many things demanding our attention, our brain becomes overwhelmed and frustrated.
In order to avoid that, consider stowing away items that are cluttering your bedroom. We assure you, this step will make a world of a difference.
2) Get Comfy Sheets
Consider a good set of bed sheets an asset. We spend a good third of our 24 hours in it. And it could be the very thing that is coming between us and a good night’s sleep.
When it comes to making this decision, experts say that the number of thread count does not necessarily define its quality. In fact, the optimum number is 400, says “The Sleep Doctor” Michael J. Breus. It is also important to remain cool, so instead of getting a synthetic set, opt for natural textiles such as Egyptian cotton, or moisture-wicking sheets.
With all these considered, it is less of a splurge and more of an investment. Now, you can wake up more rested and centered.
3) Choose a Soft Colour Palette
Colour is light, and light is energy. And as much as it can stimulate excitement, it can also be utilised to put us in a happy and tranquil mood.
Less saturated than primary colours, pastel hues makes us feel light, soft and calm. Paired with neutral colours, the combination invokes a feeling of earthiness and sophistication.
Try pairing these shades together: soft, mellow yellow and pale baby pink and see how it transforms your room into a physical testament of balance and composure.
Want to up the ante? Check out our Santai Series athleisure to explore more calming tones like Dusty Olive and our Grace 3.0 inner that comes in shades of Grey Lilac and Rosy Pink.